Notice of Working Hours and Work of the Office with Clients as of 24 March 2020
In order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 disease epidemic, taking into account the recommendations on reduction of social contacts in the public, work with clients in the premises of the Office shall be suspended from March 24 until the recall of this decision.
For all actions in the process of application and registration of intellectual property, including subsequent submissions, the e-Filing application is available and can be accessed on the SIPO’s website and via the system e-Citizens (titled Application of Industrial Property)
In order to provide support to users on information about intellectual property protection, we continue to be on disposal to our users workdays
from 8:30 to 12:30 o’clock EXCLUSIVELY by phone and via electronic means of communication!
We refer to communication via phone number: 01/6109 825 and e-mail address:
Considering special circumstances, we inform you that, until further notice, the Office is not in the position to provide search and analysis services for intellectual property information – as soon as the conditions are met, we will continue to provide these services.
Datum novosti: 24.3.2020.